Fem bilderböcker publicerade av Bonnier Carlsen mellan 2007 -2013.
Spyflugan Astrid, Spyflugan Astrid flyger högt, Spyflugan Astrid rymmer, Spyflugan Astrid gillar och Spyflugan Astrid mitt i musiken.
2013 gjordes en konsertföreställning för barn - baserad på böckerna om Spyflugan Astrid - på uppdrag av Helsingborgs Symfoniorkester. Föreställningen visades även 2018. Musik av Ulrika Emanuelsson.
2017, när Astrid fyllde 10 år, gavs en jubileumsutgåva ut (första boken).
2021 hade en animerad kortfilm för barn premiär. Filmen är baserad på en av böckerna om Spyflugan Astrid och producerades av Bloody Honey, Malmö. Filmen distribueras av Folkets Bio och har visats på bl a BUFF(Sweden) ,
Pixel (Sweden),Göteborgs Filmfestival Prisma (Sweden),
Big Cartoon Festival (Russia), Fredrikstad Animation Festival (Norway),Lift-Off Online Sessions (UK),uMgungundlovu Film Festival (South Africa),International Film Festival - CAMIFF (Cameroon), ROFIFE (Turkey), Pula Film Festival (Croatia),International Children's & Youth Film Carnival (Hong Kong),Indie Junior (Porto), Reggio Film Festival Team (Italy), TIFF Junior (Norway), Seoul International Children's Film Festival (Korea), Kinoklub(Poland), International Children's Film Competition – 5th La Matatena (barnfilmfestival i Mexico City).
2021 publicerade Bonnier Carlsen en samlingsbok innehållandes de tre första böckerna; Stora boken om Spyflugan Astrid.
-five picturebooks published by Bonnier Carlsen between 2007 and 2013.
In 2013, a concert performance was made for children - based on the books about Astrid the fly - on behalf of the Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra. The performance was also shown in 2018. Music by Ulrika Emanuelsson.
In 2017, when Astrid turned 10, an anniversary edition was published .
In 2021, an animated short film for children premiered. The film is based on one of the books about Astrid the Fly and was produced by Bloody Honey, Malmö. The film is distributed by Folkets Bio and has been shown on, among others, BUFF (Sweden), Pixel (Sweden), Gothenburg Film Festival Prisma (Sweden), Big Cartoon Festival (Russia), Fredrikstad Animation Festival (Norway), Lift-Off Online Sessions (UK), uMgungundlovu Film Festival (South Africa), International Film Festival - CAMIFF (Cameroon), ROFIFE (Turkey), Pula Film Festival (Croatia ),International Children's & Youth Film Carnival (Hong Kong), Indie Junior (Porto), Reggio Film Festival Team (Italy), TIFF Junior (Norway), Seoul International Children's Film Festival (Korea), Kinoklub(Poland), International Children's Film Competition - 5th La Matatena (Children's Film Festival in Mexico City).
In 2021, Bonnier Carlsen published a collection book containing the first three books; The big book about Spyflugan Astrid.